Support St. John's Presbyterian
St. John's offers various methods of receiving your tithes and donations. We thank you for your continued support.

Whether you are at your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone, St. John's supports online giving using eGive-USA. You can make a one-time or recurring gift by clicking on the button (or tap if on your mobile phone) below:
With online giving, you will be able to track your giving history at any time. Gifts can be from your bank account, credit/debit card, or eCheck.

At Church
Not tech savvy? No problem! You are always welcome to give the traditional way - by cash or check at our Sunday worship service.

By Mail
Feeling uncomfortable giving online or missed Sunday service? St. John's always welcome your
donations by mail.
Mail your check to:
St. John's Presbyterian Church
11000 National Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Why Give?
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7)
St. John’s Presbyterian Church now offers you the opportunity to give your tithes, offerings, and special gifts electronically via eGive. While some will prefer to place a physical check in the offering plate on Sunday morning, others will appreciate the convenience and privacy that comes with giving online. You can choose to give a one-time gift, or you can set up a weekly, bi-monthly, monthly or other automatic giving schedule as you feel led. Click the eGive link below to get started.
Why Give Electronically?
Most of us already enjoy the convenience of paying bills online, and now we can give to the church electronically, too. This will help us in our giving when we miss a Sunday. It will help us prioritize the church in our finances as we seek to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. It will also help us stay consistent in keeping with our commitments that we have made to the Lord as part of our faith budgeting process.
Three benefits of eGiving:
You are taking a step of faith – When you sign up to eGive you are deciding in advance to faithfully give to the life of the church
You will simplify your life – You won’t have to remember whether you gave this month or need to send in an offering by mail when you are away on a trip.
You will be helping the church – Every person who gives through eGive helps simplify our record keeping and is an active participant in supporting the important ministries of St. John’s.
Gifts of Stock or Mutual Funds
St. John's accepts gifts of appreciated stock or mutual funds, which can be a great way to get the maximum tax benefit from your gift. To give stock or mutual funds, please contact the church office (310-477-2513) or email