Our small groups are currently meeting online via Zoom or in-person with strict masking guidelines.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. -- Hebrews 10: 24-25
At St. John’s we believe that spiritual growth happens most naturally in small groups. They are a place where we pray and encourage one another in the faith, study the word of God, and find renewed strength for Jesus’ mission. Small groups are committed to:
Pursuing personal spiritual growth
Growing in knowledge and application of the Word
Providing mutual support and accountability
Encouraging one another to share our faith in word and deed outside the church
There are small groups for every situation:
St. John’s 10 small groups
Groups meet at different times and places: days, nights, weekdays, weekends, on campus, at homes, at other locations
We have groups for families, empty nesters, college age, men only, women only, mixed, and mature adults
Small groups have something to offer for seekers, new believers, and mature believers alike
What's a Small Group?
Small groups...
Consist of 4 - 12 people.
Meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, at a home, on campus, or at another location.
Study lessons that align with the current sermon series.
Have a leader committed to the overall care of the group, handling logistics and taking on spiritual responsibility for the health and growth of their group.
Meet during three ~10-week “quarters” during the year.
Begin your spiritual growth today with a small group near you. Be connected. Be a Witness.
Fall 2022
Famous Last Words
September 2022 - Present
Revelation contains some of the most Famous Last Words ever spoken. As Eugene Peterson writes, "No others come close in the competition, but that doesn't mean they are the most admired or appreciated, or even the most understood" (E. Peterson, Reversed Thunder). Many think Revelation is about the end of the world, which it most definitely is not; while others are baffled by descriptions of dragons, mysterious numbers like 666, and cosmic battles. We need to keep in mind that Revelation is written in a kind of poetic code... a code that was clear to the first century church but not always to us. Today, John might have conveyed his message as a visionary movie producer or screenwriter. John's famous last words definitely grab our attention, but beyond that, they give us real hope both for the present, and the future.