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Famous Last Words - Revelation 4-22
Revelation contains some of the most Famous Last Words ever spoken. As Eugene Peterson writes, "No others come close in the competition, but that doesn't mean they are the most admired or appreciated, or even the most understood" (E. Peterson, Reversed Thunder). Many think Revelation is about the end of the world, which it most definitely is not; while others are baffled by descriptions of dragons, mysterious numbers like 666, and cosmic battles. We need to keep in mind that Revelation is written in a kind of poetic code... a code that was clear to the first century church but not always to us. Today, John might have conveyed his message as a visionary movie producer or screenwriter. John's famous last words definitely grab our attention, but beyond that, they give us real hope both for the present, and the future.
What To Expect
We typically serve Communion on the first Sunday of each month during the worship service. Our method of serving is via intinction or individual cups of juice and gluten-free bread.
Our service blends both contemporary and traditional music featuring our praise team and Celtic Choir. We also host a Christmas concert for the community every year.
Kids and Youth
We celebrate the joy of children in worship and so we welcome people of all ages to participate in worship with us for the beginning of our service. Children are dismissed to Sunday School after announcements are given. Youth in 6th-12th grade typically remain for the whole service.
Dress Code
St. John's does not have a dress code, but our members tend to dress on the casual side. Some are comfortable in business casual, many prefer T-shirts and jeans, others come in a dress or a suit and tie, and quite a few wear cultural attire. All are equally welcome.