The Complete History of St. John's Presbyterian Church
Lyle Steinmehl
It is often said that a church is not a building. It is the people who make up the congregation, since a building can be moved, replaced or destroyed. While that cannot be disputed, the people that make up the church reflect the place where they assemble and worship. This history in 7 parts starts at the beginning and looks at the history and culture of our little corner of the world, which have come to shape us as a congregation.
The historical information of the area is from various resources available on the internet, and some are reproduced here without permission. I have tried to reference the sources wherever possible. I encourage you to explore our history yourself using the references at the end of each section.
Part 1: The Early History of the Area
Part 3: Cession to the United States
Part 4: A City Takes Root and St. John's Is Planted
Coming Soon:
Part 6: Development and Growth